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HomePoker strategyHow Does Seven Card Stud Differ from Other Forms of Online Poker?

How Does Seven Card Stud Differ from Other Forms of Online Poker?

Seven-card stud is just one of the many variants of online poker. It is one of the most interesting, however, because it follows a different concept from the other forms of poker. All of those forms have base similarities and a few differences. Seven-card stud, however, takes a different form from all of them.

Dealers Do Not Deal Out Community Cards in Seven-Card Stud

In other forms of poker, the dealer gives out 5 community cards for the other players to pick cards from in order to build or complete their hands. The dealer first deals a set number of cards to the players at the start of the round, and then deals out five community cards.

In seven-card stud online poker,however, that practice does not exist. Instead, the dealer gives out three cards face down to the player, and then another four face-up for all to see and for him to pick cards from to complete his hand. That's why it is called "seven-card stud," because each player is dealt seven cards instead of... Read More »